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Licence Creative Commons GlycoTalk : Sweet-talk between pathogens and hosts Anne IMBERTY, CERMAV, Grenoble, France

18 octobre 2017
Durée : 00:42:34
Nombre de vues 305
Nombre d’ajouts dans une liste de lecture 1
Nombre de favoris 0

Do you know that glycans and proteoglycans are the most abundant and biologically relevant molecules on earth? Discover and explore the fascinating Glyco-world during the Glycomeeting “Glycans & Proteoglycans : The Sweet & Smart Molecules of the 21st century” held in Nancy the 18-19th October 2017.

With the Glycotalk of Anne Imberty (CERMAV, Grenoble), you will discover how pathogens and hosts use glycans to talk to each other, Kristian Prydz (Oslo, Norway) will guide you through the cell factory and tell you about the secrete recipe for making these complex sugars, and finally PhD students will tell you the story of their favorite glycans in 300s.  

Find more research on glycan-associated diseases, glyco-drugs and glyco-technologies by the most renowned European glycobiologists on https://lia-frbmct-2017.sciencesconf.org/.
